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 Let us know where you are going to fish and we will tell you exactly which flies to use. Get 2 free flies for a one hour consultation. Get 3 free flies for a two hour consultation. 



Terms and Conditions: After payment is confirmed, Hoot's Custom Flies will contact you and arrange a time for your consulation. Your free flies will be chosen by Hoot's Custom Flies. Domestic Shipping is included. 

List of rivers and the flies that work the absolute best at these spots.

Roaring River


Jig Pig size 16,14 Pink, White, Bedspread Yellow/Red

Devin’s Debacle

Jig Pig XL Pink, White, Bedspread Yellow/Red

Stimulator 14 through 12 White, Brown, Olive 

Hoots River Juan size 10, 12 Red

PMX size 16 through 12 

Brooks Sprout emerger size 16 through 18 Olive

Roo's Hopper size 18 through 12 Olive, Light Olive 

Roo’s Eggstasy Ham and Cheese size 12

Utah Killer bug size 16

Hoots San Juan size 18

Zebra Midge size 18 and 16, Black

Mono Zebra Midge size 18

Prince Roo size 14

Tailwaters of Beaver Dam


Beaded Zonker: size 8 chartreuse,

Munchies size 8 Olive / Yellow

Roo’s Eggstasy size 14 and12 Ham and Cheese, Fl.Cheese/Pink, White/Pink, 

Flashing Scud size 14 and 16 tan rainbow, big horn orange

Hoot's Egg Sucker size 8 Olive 

Hoots Tungsten Jig Pig size 16 and 14 all the colors

Frenchie size 16 all the colors

Hoots Beaded River Juan red size 10 

Mop Fly size 10 pink 

Roo's Comp Pig size 14 &16 all the colors

Utah Killer bug jig sizes 14 hand 16 all the colors

Chewy Wanker size 16 14 all the colors

Graham's Bloodworm all the sizes color red

Devon's Debacle size 12 color Olive

Jig Pig XL size 12 pink

Roo's Eggstasy size 12 Ham and Cheese 

Bead Head Flashing Scud size 16 and 14 Tan Rainbow, Big Horn Orange

Light Sow Bug 


Taneycomo MO


Skinny Piggy size 18 FL. Red/shrimp pink 

Hoot's Tungsten River Juan size 10 Red 

Hoot's Tungsten Jig Pig size 16 Black/Red 

Hoot's beaded river Juan size 12 red

 Flashing Scud size 14 rainbow tan

Chew Wanker size 14 Black/Olive 

Roo's Eggstasy size 12 salmon pink

Beadhead Flashing Scud tan rainbow size 14


Moon Valley (smallmouth and gar) near Bennett Springs in Missouri


Roo's Deceiver size 1/0 chartreuse/white , shad

Jig Pig XL pink 

Devin's debacle 

Caddis piller

Rattlen Roo 1/0 shad


Barclay Niangua MO 


Jig Pig XL color pink 

Devin's debacle color olive 

Mono Juano size 12 red pink collar

Roo’s Eggstasy Ham and cheese size 12 

Osage River Missouri 


Roo's Deceiver size 1/0 white/chartreuse

Beaded zonker size 6 minnow 

Murdich minnow size 1/0 chartreuse/white size 

Meet whistle size 2 chartreuse/white 

Rim Shoals White River AR


Beaded Flashing Scud size 14 and 16 tan rainbow 

Hoot's Custom beaded woolly Bugger size 8 Olive

Jig Pig XL size 12 white/red, bedspread yellow/red, pink 

Mopfly size 10 bedspread yellow/red 

Devin's debacle bluegill

Dry Creek


Roo's Bloodworm red size 12 

Bennett Springs Missouri


Beaded Hord size 14 Fluorescent Hot Orange Chartreuse, Black/Yellow

Crackleback size 10 Blue Winged Olive, Chartreuse, Copper 

Roo's Comp Pig size:14,16 Orange and White, Bedspread Yellow Red and Black, Black/Shrimp Pink

Hoot's Tungsten Jig Pig size 14, 16 Orange and White,Bedspread Yellow, Red and Black, Chartreuse Black and White, Pink, Black/Pink, Black/Olive,

Hoot's Autumn Dinner size 8 Brown 

Tungsten Mop Fly size 10 all colors 

Hoot's Zebra Midge size 16 black

Eggs and Bacon size 10 red

Hoot's River Juan size 12

Hoot's Beaded River Juan size 12 Red

The Hord Orange size 14

Munchies size 8 Olive

Hellga Pig 

Skinny Piggy White/Red size 18

Chewy Wanker size 16 pink, bedspread yellow/red

Chewy Wanker size 14 orange, black/yellow

Roo’s Eggstasy size 12 Ham and Cheese 

Hoot's Tungsten River Juan Red size 10 or 12

Madame X Parachute size 12

Hoot's Tungsten Woolly Bugger size 8 all colors 

Devin's Debacle

Beadhead Flashback Pheasant Tail Nymph 

Flashing scud 

Current River MO


Rubber leg stimulator size 14 Rusty Brown

Roo's Bloodworm 14 red

Flashing Scud size 14 tan rainbow, big horn orange 

Roo's Comp Pig size 14 bedspread yellow/red

Beaded Flashing Scud size 14 tan rainbow 

Egg sucking leech size 8 black 

Hellga Pig size 14 white/black - black

Chewy Wanker size14 White/black,

Roo's Eggstasy size 12 FL. Ham and cheese 

Jig Pig size 14 white 

Hoot's River Juan size 12 red

Jig Pig XL pink

Seneca Creek West Virginia Appalachian

Mountains( pinch weight.)


Light Cahill size 14 native rainbow 

Yellow Sally 14 native rainbow 

Hoot's River Juan size 12 red

Hoot's beaded river Juan size 12 red

Hoot's Tungsten Jig Pig size 16 pink



Niangua MO Bennett Springs


Roo's Eggstasy size 12 pink salmon, ham and cheese, sun burst 

Hoot's River Juan size 12 red

Jig Pig xl size 12 pink, bedspread yellow/ red, white/ red 

Chewy Wanker size 14 orange ,pink

Devin's debacle color Olive

Egg sucking leech size 8 Olive

San Juan New Mexico 


Hoot's Tungsten Jig Pig size? Chartreuse 

Little Piney MO


Hellga Pig size 14 white/black

Bull Shoals 


Jig Pig XL bedspread Bedspread yellow/ red 

Devin's Debacle 

Hoots River Juan size 12 red 

Hoot's Egg Sucker size 8 and 10 Olive, Brown 



Jig Pig XL bedspread yellow/ red, pink , Orange

Hoot's Tungsten Jig Pig size 14 pink, bedspread yellow red collar, black olive color

Chewy wanker size 14 pink

Roo's Bloodworm red size 12

Roo's eggstasy size 12 ham and cheese and spermy

Hoot's Egg sucking leech size 8 Olive

Hoot's tungsten articulated egg sucker size 8 Olive

Devin's debacle Olive

Hoot's articulate egg sucker size 8 Olive

Hoots Autumn dinner size 8 and 6 Olive

Bead Head Flashing Scud size 16 and 14 Tan rainbow 

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